Marvin and Spy Pigeon

This character is Marvin, the tin foil hat mentor of Margo. A homeless, but also a genius that controls the pigeons in Brooklyn.
In 2013, I worked on a project for Makerbot's innovation division (Bold Machines) trying to push the 3D printers to their limit. I created a full cast of characters that had to be made of parts to be printed in their Replicator 3D Printer with minimum amount of supports.
In the images at the bottom you can see how all parts have a flat side in order to be able to be placed on the 3D printer plate and use minimum supports. Also, you can see the assembly scheme of all the parts.

Turntable Video

All parts placed on the 3D printing plate. Notice the flat side of every part in contact with the plate. :)

All parts placed on the 3D printing plate. Notice the flat side of every part in contact with the plate. :)

Assembly scheme of the character.

Assembly scheme of the character.